Medical kit. (a) Black leather case with the name “Mary Schmotzer” embossed on the front in gold letters. Zipper closure. (b) Metal scale with a hook on one end. (c) Rectal thermometer in a white and black case. (d) Thermometer in a black plastic case. (e) Unknown medical tool. Flat metal with a long stem, slightly curved, and a flat head that divides into two prongs. (f) catheter (urethral). (g) A long metal suture needle. (h) Black plastic case containg a medical syringe. Plunger and multiple needles included. (i) Forceps. (j) Unknown medical tool. Long metal shaft with a pointed end inside a metal case. The opposite end is a round bulb. (k) Medical syringe. Base and plunger, no needle included. “BD”.