“The Pulse Beat” Camp Pendleton, CA. May 1993. Front page Esther V. Hasson and Alene Duerk, two directors. Article page 4 “Navy Nursing – Original Women’s Lib” by Catherine Cardinal. Pictures of 3 nurses representing 1918-1923 and 1943. Continued on page 7 “Nurse Corps History Shared” the following nurses relate special experiences of their careers. Elizabeth Feeney includes meeting and enjoying friendship of J. Beatrice Bowmen mentioning that Miss Bowman wrote the history of the NC in 1928. Sophia Gormish mentioned as one of first Flight Nurses during Korean conflict. Miriam Sherman, Donna Barbarick, Jeanette Hethnger, Betty Lou Geary, Marjorie Swetonic, Anne Wilson, Lenah Higbee, Vera Bahry – all were mentioned with credit of their accomplishments. Page 8 -9 The Sacred Twenty, seven pictures of NC in action.