Collection of the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps insignia pins from 1908-present. Eleven pins set in a blue painted wood frame on a blue background. One pin from 1908-1917, the first NNC pin. Three from 1918, two from 1923-1942, three from 1942-1947, two from 1947-1954 and one from 1954 to present day.||NC device collection mounted on blue velvet in 10 x 12 gold frame. Eleven devices beginning with first of 1908 to present day. Two sets of devices are those worn until 1942 belonging to J. Beatrice Bowman one of the “Sacred Twenty” and Superintendent of NC 1922-1935 (in frame it says 1921-1934) Note: In 1996 devices removed and placed on acid- free navy blue mounting paper, new frame (navy blue with thin gold lines) and conservation glass. When devices of 1908-1917 was removed it was discovered to have Beatrice Bowman name inscribed on back.