US Navy Medicine. Philadelphia, PA Vol. 65 No. 5 May 1975 Front Cover picture of RADM Alene Duerk for the 67th Anniversary of the Navy Nurse Corps. Article and photos page 3 “First CCU (Coronary Care Unit) class graduates at Naval Hospital Memphis TN. Group are, corpsmen, civilian and Navy nurses. Nurse grads are: Mary Ann Parnell, Nancy Finkle, N. Heideman, E. Hodges, S. Lane. Instructors are: Marvin Rodgers NC and William Richburg NC. planned and directed by Ellen Stammer. Article and photos page 5. Maxine Conder, selected for RADM and Director of Nurse Corps. Article and photos page 8-12 “RADM Alene B. Duerk, NC USN: The Voice of EXPERIENCE” about what it means to be a Navy nurse. Photos of Alene Duerk as ENS, 1943 through her career including the day she was promoted as first NC RADM 1 June 1972. Article page 13-15 “A Study of Values – Nursing ” by Mary O’Neill. Article and photos page 34-35 Bernadette McKay and Harriet Simmons. First nurses selected for executive positions. McKay as director of Admin services, Naval Submarine Medical Center, New London CT. Simmons as Officer in Charge of Naval Station Dispensary Mayport FL.