US Navy Medicine Vol 61, No. 5 May 1973. Pictured on our front cover, Moldeling official Navy uniforms before entrance to Naval Hospital Pensacola, Fla,. These professional ladies and navy officers are proud members of a Corps established 65 years ago. Long may they flourish. (no names) Uniforms L to R: 1. Dress Blues 2. Dress Whites 3. Summer Pinstripe 4. Ward White. page 5 – 11 “NC Directors” (Of the following all were NC Directors except for Myer and Mary Martin) article with photos of Sacred 20, WWI Nurse Sara B. Myer (p. 6), Sue Dauser, first lady Captain in the USN, was presented the Distinguished Service Medal by Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal prior to her retirement in1946. Nellie Jane De Witt, and Mary Martin (actor), star of “South Pacific” were presented gifts by the Elgin American Company in Nov. 1949. Caption Dewitt was serving in the South Pacific at the time of her appointment as Director. Winnie Gibson DeWitt (p.8), W. Leona Jackson (POW), Ruth Houghton (p. 9). Ruth Erickson, Veronica Bulshefski (p. 10), Alene Duerk (p. 11) (good biographies) page 16 – 19 “Improved Patient Care” article with photos of nurses ? Peterson, Romaine Mentzer (p. 18), Rosalie Nehr (p. 19). Back cover RADM Alene Duerk touring surgical facilities at Navy Dispensary, in London England March – April 1973.