BW. Class picture – 1st Physical Therapy Class 1946. Medical College of VA. “Two other classes of 18 nurses folled us – the reason the navy sent us for the P.T. course they were unable to recruit enough physical therapists. We had to agree to stay at least 3 years after graduation. After 1 left the navy in 1950 some of my classmates transferred to the Medical Service Corps (it was optional). Helen O’Brien and Ruth Moeller did. Ruth made Capt and was at the Bureau for a few yeard in charge of P.T.’s and O.T.’s. Top L to R; Bea Ahrend, Josephine Biedka, Gladys R. Curry, Germer, Jean Halpin, Harriat. Middle L to R; Keiper, Betty Kinser, Kirkpatric, Sara Marcum Kelley, Norma Mualdin, Ruth Moeller. Bottem L to R; Helen O’Brien, Rush, –, Thomas, Evelyn White, Young.