BW. Nurses at MOB #5. 1/2 reporting in and 1/2 ready to leave New Caledonia. 1944. Front row: Devauver, Papez, Walters, Spaders, Sullivan, Mary Gresko, Shavia, White C.N., Gwenever Woodall, Hale, Edythe Haed, Galvin, Green, Elwanger. Second Row: Briggs, Quaglia, Horn,Tempero, Hanwell, Claire Vecchione Swanson, Mary Asher, Sue Smoker, McLaughlin, H. Harkin, Nathalie Knox, Hubsetich, Elsie Bushbeck, Betty Holcomb, C. Harkins, Larson, Ganc. Thrid row: Homes, Davis, Jones, Lance, Trumball, Lee, Marie Aynes Pongratz, Smith Wilcott, Womble, Alice Rothermel, Murphy, Grover, Miller, Anderson, Kilrun, Elmore.