Cindy Sweeney
Cynthia Sweeney has served on the WMANNCA board and most recently on the planning committee for the NNCA 2022 reunion, and assists in capturing oral histories of the Navy Nurse Corps. She retired as a Captain from the Navy Nurse Corps. In 2018 she received the NNCA Professional Nursing Award. Retiring from the DAISY Foundation in 2021, she was given the title of VP for Nursing, Emerita and received their Lifetime Achievement Award for her work. She completed her doctorate at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing with a research focus on meaningful recognition in the Operating Room. In 2020 she received the Outstanding Achievement in Perioperative Nursing Research or Evidence-Based Practice Award by AORN and is a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing. She continues to teach at the University of Maryland School of Nursing and is immediate past President of the Pi at-Large chapter of Sigma at the university. She is a member of the board of the Sigma Marketplace and the Alumni Council at UMSON among other volunteer activities in her community.